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Confessions Catch-up, Birthday Turn-up

Alexa, play Confessions by Usher.

It's confession time.

After all, this is Confessions of a Nurse practitioner right?

I know that it has been a while since I have published a post and that is not on purpose. It is just life and how the cookie crumbles as they say. I continue to perform a juggling act and as much as I hate it, the blogging ball sometimes falls. Thankfully, the ball is not made of glass so I am able to pick it back up and continue the juggle.

So here’s a recap of the last few months.

Confessions of School

If you’ve been following along then you know that I am back in school! I am excited to report that I have successfully finished the first year of my doctoral program! So blame my irregular blog posting schedule on school! Nevertheless, school is going well but I admit it is a struggle having to devote so much time to it when you would rather be doing other things. I know that the reward comes with perseverance. My dad reminds me that “if it was easy, then everybody would be doing it.”

Confessions of Writing

Though I haven’t been on the blog as much as I would like, I have managed to write some content! See the personal essay I will live as if I'm not going to die that I wrote for Reckon South. It may be one of the most vulnerable pieces that I have written to date. Let me know what you think about it after you check it out.

I have also been sharing on social media. To be honest, some of that content feels like a blog post! You should definitely be following Confessions of a Nurse Practitioner on Facebook and following me @ccthenp on Instagram if you aren’t already. If social media is not your thing, just be sure to stick around here!

Have you heard about the Busy Bee Writing Retreat? The official first one was in September. It was such a success the next one is happening in February! If you are a working woman who has a writing project or a writing passion, then the retreat may be for you. There are a few more spots!

Confessions of Speaking

When I am not writing for school or for the blog, I’ve had some speaking engagements. I am thankful to the groups and organizations who have invited me to share because it allows me to get important messages out to the audience and I enjoy doing it. Over the past few months, I’ve spoken about breast cancer (have you done your self-exam lately?), women’s health (get your check-ups), pregnancy and infant loss, and pregnancy after loss.

The Confessions Chat on the Confessions of a Nurse Practitioner page made an appearance in October and there was a very special edition in November that was done with my brother as we honored the legacy of our mom and talked about the CANspiration Journal.

Speaking of the CANspiration Journal, there is a holiday sale happening now through the new year! You can also make donations at any time via the website here. Money contributed here allows me to give the journals away to cancer fighters who can benefit from it!

Confessions of Family

There have been some awesome family moments over the past few months. My husband and I celebrated 18 years of marriage and his birthday in October in the mountains of Bryson City, North Carolina! It was a fantastic trip and included whitewater rafting for the first time as well as going on a train ride through the mountains.

We celebrated my dear aunt’s 60th birthday in October! I got to test out my vow renewal planning skills as we celebrated my in-loves 50 years of marriage in November! These were beautiful occasions and I am so thankful to have been a part of them!

I don’t even know where to start with the children. Keeping their schedules straight aside from school is basically another full-time job but I do not begrudge them (most of the time, lol). It is a joy to watch them play their various sports and participate in their different activities. With their school studies, I have reinforced that I still do not care for math, even if it is 3rd or 5th grade, lol! However, I still do enjoy science, reading, and English. Calling out spelling words makes me reminisce about my spelling bee days! I won 3rd place once and still have the trophy somewhere, lol.

Confessions of Me

Alexa, play It’s Your Birthday by Luke.

Today is my birthday and for the first time, I am participating in a birthday fundraiser on Facebook! I am supporting an organization called PALS (Pregnancy After Loss Support). PALS is a non-profit organization in which I serve that provides tons of support to families who are pregnant after having suffered a pregnancy or early infant loss. PALS has also recently released an app that helps moms who are pregnant after loss. Here’s an article that I was honored to have contributed.

I am grateful and blessed to be celebrating another birthday! Did you see the birthday post that I wrote last year, 40 Years, 40 Songs!? I have been pondering about what song from this year could be added to the list. Have some fun with me and tell me some of your favorite songs over the past year.

I hope that you have enjoyed catching up because I have sure enjoyed being here! Thanks for your support! I don’t take it for granted! See you again soon!

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